(UnitedWeStandPeople.com) Online Job Applicants Listing (6 displayed)

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Justin Walker7073347363Sovereignauthorityvirtualent@gmail.com2022-06-18 19:12:11-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2022-06-18 19:12:11
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 0/3 Not Completed Yet
Pending questionnaire completion

Nicola Ristau613-639-2774ristaunicola@gmail.com2022-05-16 02:56:35-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2022-05-16 02:56:36
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Success 20 out of 24 1/3 2022-05-16 05:17:52
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 2 0/3 Not Completed Yet
Pending questionnaire completion

Carolyn Keat6475636893carolyn.keat@gmail.com2020-05-30 17:42:47-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2020-05-30 12:42:47
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Success 24 out of 24 1/3 2020-05-30 12:53:30
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 2 Success 40 out of 40 1/3 2020-05-30 13:33:26
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 3 Success 49 out of 51 1/3 2020-05-30 14:04:35
Completed all questionnaires

steph taylor5192592658stephanietaylor816@yahoo.ca2020-05-30 11:40:54-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2020-05-30 06:40:54
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Failure 12 out of 24; needs at least 18 to pass 1/3 2020-09-07 13:12:08
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Try again2/3 Not Completed Yet
Pending questionnaire completion

Marie Moala6474645996moalaboyo1@yahoo.ca2020-05-08 03:12:33-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2020-05-07 22:12:33
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Success 24 out of 24 1/3 2020-05-07 22:27:59
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 2 Success 40 out of 40 1/3 2020-05-07 22:57:38
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 3 Success 49 out of 51 1/3 2020-05-07 23:25:45
Completed all questionnaires

David Wood3062137654Dwood9966@hotmail.ca2020-05-07 18:11:30-
QuestionnaireStatusAttemptTime Completed
Online Initial Job Application Success View Responses 1/1 2020-05-07 13:11:30
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 1 Success 23 out of 24 1/3 2020-05-07 13:19:33
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 2 Success 37 out of 40 1/3 2020-05-07 13:43:36
Human Rights Activist Chosen Agent Test 3 Success 48 out of 51 1/3 2020-05-07 14:03:46
Completed all questionnaires